Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Dreams Inherited.

Dream Big Little Girl, Dream Big.

A Big Bright World Awaits You.

You know how we are supposed to teach our children that warm-fuzzy saying "You can be anything you want to be!" ? Well I grew up hearing that. And I grew up believing it! Until my entire family told me otherwise. You see, between the ages of 4-6 I desperately wanted to be a Fire Engine. You read that correctly.

A Fire. Engine.
When the subject of future careers came into play, my little imagination would run wild and I'd burst out with "I'm going to be a fire engine!!"
I didn't want to be.
I didn't wish to be.
I was GOING to be.
For years my family tried to convince me otherwise, and tried to explain what I really meant.
Fools. I knew what I wanted.
Because I was taught I could be anything I wanted, right?
And then came the ripe 'ol age of 6. We were on a family vacation to San Fransisco. While riding a trolley I had the wind blowing my short mushroom-looking haircut, not a care in the world. And then it happened. A LOUD Fire Truck (which, yes, included an engine..) roared past us lights flashing, sirens blaring. I burst into tears and have never spoken of wanting to become anything related to a large red utility truck since that day. I also had a huge fear of loud noises since that fateful day.
Well friends, it seems that our little miss Audrey Lynn has inherited more than just my dark hair, my dark eyes, my sensitivity and my love of french fries. From a very early age she has been terrified of loud noises above a volume of about a two. Terrified. Vacuums is a big one. Public toilets flushing. Any buzzing sound she automatically assumes it's about to turn into a loud angry roar. Blenders, bathroom fans, laundry washers beginning their cycle, kitchen timers, toasters popping...
It runs in the family. Big Time.
When I was little, I remember being at school and getting the heads up that we'd be having a fire drill "sometime today". What an awful thing to tell a child that is scared of loud noises. I would get sick to my stomach & on several occasions I would actually have to go home. On some of my more "brave" days I would be shaky and fearful the entire day, pretending I was either bored or real sleepy with my hair pulled down over my ears and my hands clasping my chin (when actually I had as many fingers as I could get shoved into my ear drums to drown out the sounds of what I was dreading). What was worse was when the teacher would announce it would be "sometime this week". Two, three sometimes FIVE long days would go by and then we'd be told that infact "because of the rain, the fire drill was re-scheduled for next week instead."

Relief and fear all at once.
But this post really isn't about me and my childhood fears. It's about passing on more than just my outward appearance. It's about Audrey and her love of fire engines.
Recently, Audrey informed us that "maybe someday I could be a fire truck!" We laughed and carefully taught her that maybe she could! But she meant she wanted to be a fireman!
(don't even suggest we are not teaching her appropriate gender and politically correct terms. If she is anything like me, she will also inherit a tremendous lack of arm strength and a dislike for smokey places. Therefore, she may never be an actual fire-person..thus leaving it to a man, a fireman.)
And then today. While on a wagon walk this evening with my girls, a fire truck crossed an intersection in front of us, as we waited at the stop sign. Audrey lit up.
"Look Mommy!! A Fire truck!! Maybe someday I will be a fire engine!!"
She didn't say fireman, she didn't even say fire truck. And she didn't say she'd like to be. She said she WILL someday be a fire engine. Although...I am sure once she hears a loud siren she will forever be traumatized like me. But somehow I think the idea of wanting to be whatever she wants to be, including a fire engine, may have also been genetically passed on to her...

(Pssst...With all the Joy you had in saying it, I Believe You.)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ellie is ONE!

SEPTEMBER 12th~~ Ellie is ONE!!

Dearest Ellie Lu-

A few days ago I tried to upload a bunch of pictures from your Birthday party last week and began writing little tidbits about your year...and then the internet froze up and it all got deleted. Frustrated, I began to try to summarize what I had just done. But then I got to thinking, that is exactly how this year has gone for me. I had a plan, a vision, a goal of what the last 12 months were going to be like for you & me...and things were different. Things were difficult for me, that I hadn't thought would be. Moments I had previously worried over, came easier than I had imagined. But I have to tell you, baby girl, I am loving getting to know you & cannot imagine a day with out you! All 19 pounds of you have stolen my heart. I melt when you look at me the way you do. We have something special between us and I can only imagine how God will continue to grow you, nurture our relationship and bless the coming year! You have come so far from day 1, a sweet little face curious about this big bright world. You are an even sweeter face today and even more ready to take on this world before you. Thank you for letting me be apart of your world, I love being your Mommy! In short, I simply adore you and am looking forward to watching you take on year TWO, I have a feeling it's going to give us a run for our money! Happy Birthday little girl, I'm as ready as I can be so let's go!
Love, Momma

PS One thing I know for sure is that I Love Loving you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Corn on the Cob Cuteness

Dear Audrey & Ellie Lu,
Just when I think you girls could not possibly get any cuter... you have your first corn on the cob tonight. Absolutely adorable. Audrey, you seemed a bit nervous biting into, although you lovvved posing for pictures with your cob. Ellie, you dove in like a champ finishing yours, sister's and whatever kernels you could find left on mine! Yup, you girls are about the cutest thing doing just about anything....but I'd say eating corn on the cob falls somewhere at the top of the cute list. :)
Your Mama

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Polite Words

We were at my parents for a nice dinner on their patio. After trying to get Audrey to slow down outside, who was on the tail end of a cold (sidenote: Praise the Lord she recovered needing no trip to the hospital!!), and not wanting to flail up her asthma any more, we resumed our play inside. There were some moments of not sharing with her sister, some pushing and some frustrated moments choosing not to listen...which having no nap earlier in the day greatly contributed to. I felt like I was doing little encouraging but constant correction. Audrey felt the same way. And finally...

"Mommy, would you go sit over by Daddy, I don't like having you here anymore."

Me: Audrey. That is not very polite of you to say. (looking back it actually was!)

"Mommy. Would you PLEASE go over & sit by Daddy. I do NOT like having you here anymore."

Me: (desperately trying to hold back my roar of laughter..) Audrey. I do not like it when you tell me what to do. You are not being very kind right not.

"Mommy. (pause) Would you. (pause) Pleeease. (pause) Go over and sit by Daddy now. I really. (pause) Do not like having you here anymore."

My Mom was there with me and she had to look away because she was going to burst into laughter. Which we totally did once Audrey was on to something else. :) SO FUNNY THAT GIRL!!! Oh my goodness. By me using the words "that isn't very polite of you" at first and her correcting herself and instead adding PLEASE right off the bat. Hilarious. :) And honestly, she never once raised her voice or used a bratty tone. Just simply did not want me there anymore and knew just how to resolve that situation. By asking me to leave. :)

Ellie Stats

Taken one month ago. Crawling, pulling herself up, getting more curious. Then one month later:

Getting into all sorts of things, pulling everything out, trying to climb, such a busy little bee. So it prompted me to post some stats so I'll remember, since you are hardly slowing down at all for me to get used to any stage!

Ellie Lu: One week before age ONE.
Favorite foods: BANANAS, Corn, Wheat Bread, Applesauce, Cous-cous, Squash, blueberries...
Least favorite foods: Most green vegetables, avacados & recently has started rejecting eggs.
Enjoys: All things Audrey, crawling/climbing, eye or sunglasses, bathtime, Lucy-Puppy, peek-a-boo, throwing things.
Dislikes: Lukewarm bottles, when doors are closed & being told "no" (although enjoys saying it & shaking her head back at us...so bad...so darn cute..).
Words: No, Uh-oh, Hi, Momma, Dadda, Sissy, Loose (a.k.a Lucy), Up.
Beginning to say: Dow (down), Ah (on), Dadada uh-tee (Daddy), Ba-ba-ba-ool (bottle).
Words she can sign: Milk & Please.
Nicknames: Scoopies, Ellie Bells, Lu Bears, Lu Bells, Eatle Beatles, Baby Beluga.
Special talents: Waving, saying "Hi"to everyone, clapping, shaking your head "No" & lots of constant baby babble.
Sleep schedule: Nap...10am-12pm. Nap...2pm-5pm All night from 9pm-8:30am.
Poop schedule: Usually twice a day. :)
Roth Mullet Watch: No sign of mullet. Possible bob.
Teeth: Two bottoms, two widely spaced top ones (sorry sweetie I just think it is SO darn cute & funny!), possibly one more coming on top.
Mommy Loves: Your dimple, your sleepy face in the mornings, when you chatter baby babble, when you ride on my hip all day & when you say "Hi!" in my same high-pitched infliction each time you see me.
Mommy Likes: You! A lot. :)

How could you already be ONE?