Audrey's first week of Pre-school began a few weeks ago.
It was also....
Ellie's first week of transitioning from not having a playmate.
First week with our "new" truck.
Daddy's first week of being "home" for the summer.
Mommy's first week to try to adjust to all these changes....

Audrey was super excited even getting dressed in her "school" outfit she had chosen earlier in the day, shoes & backpack and all & waited by the door at around 7pm
the night before her first day of school.... I finally got through to her that this would just be a practice and that
tomorrow would be her first day of school. Eager as ever, she got ready first thing the next morning and waited by the door for the 30minutes leading up to when we were to leave... :)

Time to say goodbye to sister!
(who truly had no idea what was coming--look how happy she is to hug & say goodbye to Audrey...)

Her Daddy chose to come home one day early from a special road trip, so that he could take his darling little Audrey to school on her first day. And also, in part, because we both weren't quite sure how she--and her Mommy!--would do, emotionally on this big step being "away". (Literally, 5 houses away...)

She was so excited to start school that she apparently had to be told to turn around to say goodbye & wave for pictures her Momma requested. :)

First day of Pre-school! What a big brave girl!!

And then there were the other two of us.
Ellie & Mommy.
Crying our little eyes out on the front porch.
Not really....having Ellie sobbing her little heart out was probably a distraction from any emotion I could have had. Truly though..Ellie Lu was heartbroken!
It was one of those sad & sweet moments of motherhood.

I tried comforting...she cried harder.
I tried distracting...she cried harder.
I tried offering a snack (this girl likes food)..she ate it but continued to cry.
Then I suddenly realized...this would be the first day all Summer that I only had one child with me. Which meant I could do something I've been longing to do since last Summer! I could take my ONE child on my bike seat with me!!

So away we went, just she & I.
My baby Girl.
She finally stopped crying as we rode away, we talked about what we saw, what we heard and I kept telling her how much I Love her.
She seemed to enjoy the ride and I LOVED IT!
Then we got back to the house just in time for a little snack.
Then I noticed the time & said it was time to go get Audrey.
Ellie RAN to get her shoes & started getting whiny & crying again.
She just could not handle the change! She loves her sister so much!
On our walk back home, Audrey saw that her Daddy had begun the walk to meet us.
She started yelling to him:
"Daddy! Daddy! I'm all done with school now!"
And ran, jumping into his eager waiting arms.

Can you bottle this sweetness up??

Then we decided to take Audrey out to celebrate her first day of school in style.
With Frozen Yogurt!
My Dad & Brother Mike just opened up a yogurt shop nearby--FroYo Nation--a few days prior, so what a perfect opportunity for us to see it for the first time & as a special celebration for Audrey!

Grandma Lu met us down there, of course!

A spoonful of sweetness, makes the tears go away!?


Two big girls, one little spoon.
Wait a minute.

And here's what we were riding in style in!
Our "new" purdy Blue, 2nd vehicle with carseats stick shift which I am actually enjoying learning how to drive, Truck!!!
As of Today Audrey has attended 9 days of school! The first 3 weeks were "transitional" days, so they were only one or two hours.
Today was her first day of all 3 hours. She seemed tired, but said she "just loves school!"
I really could not have seen it coming that she has so easily adjusted to this new change! She was truly ready for this! We knew she would like it eventually, but by day 3 when I took her and asked her to please come back to give me a hug before she ran off into the schoolroom...I knew that she really did love it, and that I'd be fine too. :)
Ellie.... has yet to have a tear-free day with out her sister. The first few days were rough :) I spent the majority of the time Audrey was away from us, comforting her sad little sister, Ellie. We watched Sesame Street & cuddled, we ate snacks, we did puzzles and built blocks, but there were stressful off & on tears. We visited a dear friend who just had a baby, we take walks around the neighborhood and we've spent a few of the days running errands. I can tell though, that we aren't in a good groove quite yet. Ellie is so emotional on Audrey's school days. My intention is that Ellie & I can have a sort of fun Mommy/Ellie time at home, maybe even doing our own school-at-home projects. Potty training was also on the to-do list this fall, but there seems to be too much going on to begin something big like that just yet. Maybe in another few weeks...
Audrey Lynn--your Daddy & I are so proud of you! On your very first day of school your two teachers told me you had "mastered it all & wanted to begin teaching the other children!" I was not surprised to hear that! :) And every day thereafter they have made similar comments about how well you are doing. You are like a little sponge, soaking all of the Goodness of the world in. And your Kindness to others is evident. I love that you love school! I pray for you every day you are away from me. Just know that we are proud of who God created--Beautiful You!!
Love, Your Momma who misses you.
Ellie Lu--We'll get there soon. I promise. We'll enjoy the time we have together before another big change comes and alters it for us. I plan to get to know you better and snuggle you up lots during this season. So please let me. My heart breaks when yours does, but we will be fine. Thank you for loving your sister so deeply! You are a Gift!
Love, Your Momma.
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