Here are some recent pictures I had taken for Father's Day. These are his girls :) He loved them. He loves us! I ordered a large black & white of the one below with their precious profiles pressed together. They are so adorable. There were many to choose from, but I am so glad I chose these three.

The above picture was captured in between shots. It was totally candid, and makes my heart melt looking at it. I love it for many reasons but one is that looking at this picture, I realize my life will never be the same. These two little girls have stretched my heart larger than I could have ever imagined. They have helped to give me confidence in myself and as a mother and provider for their every needs. I adore them both more than any words could possibly describe. It is a selfless, I would, do and have done anything to meet your needs above my own, sort of love. It has not been easy, but their sweetness makes it easier. Often, I find myself cherishing a moment and praying "Thank you Lord for this moment right now." Storing each one up in my heart.
They are helping to shape me into the woman God has so dearly called me to be. After being a servant to the Lord and a submissive, encouraging wife, it is the highest calling a woman could ever have. To be a Mother. To be their Mommy. My life will never be the same, and I absolutely could not feel more blessed to have such an important role in their lives. They are my pride & joy. I long to hold them, giggle with them, kiss them, comfort them. My heart aches for them & with them.
Praise be to God for their lives.
Praise be to God for teaching me true selfless love.
I praise you Lord Jesus for your precious girls:
Audrey Lynn & Ellie Lu

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