SEPTEMBER 12th~~ Ellie is ONE!!
Dearest Ellie Lu-
A few days ago I tried to upload a bunch of pictures from your Birthday party last week and began writing little tidbits about your year...and then the internet froze up and it all got deleted. Frustrated, I began to try to summarize what I had just done. But then I got to thinking, that is exactly how this year has gone for me. I had a plan, a vision, a goal of what the last 12 months were going to be like for you & me...and things were different. Things were difficult for me, that I hadn't thought would be. Moments I had previously worried over, came easier than I had imagined. But I have to tell you, baby girl, I am loving getting to know you & cannot imagine a day with out you! All 19 pounds of you have stolen my heart. I melt when you look at me the way you do. We have something special between us and I can only imagine how God will continue to grow you, nurture our relationship and bless the coming year! You have come so far from day 1, a sweet little face curious about this big bright world. You are an even sweeter face today and even more ready to take on this world before you. Thank you for letting me be apart of your world, I love being your Mommy! In short, I simply adore you and am looking forward to watching you take on year TWO, I have a feeling it's going to give us a run for our money! Happy Birthday little girl, I'm as ready as I can be so let's go!
Love, Momma
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