Ellie Lu: One week before age ONE.
Favorite foods: BANANAS, Corn, Wheat Bread, Applesauce, Cous-cous, Squash, blueberries...
Least favorite foods: Most green vegetables, avacados & recently has started rejecting eggs.
Enjoys: All things Audrey, crawling/climbing, eye or sunglasses, bathtime, Lucy-Puppy, peek-a-boo, throwing things.
Dislikes: Lukewarm bottles, when doors are closed & being told "no" (although enjoys saying it & shaking her head back at us...so bad...so darn cute..).
Words: No, Uh-oh, Hi, Momma, Dadda, Sissy, Loose (a.k.a Lucy), Up.
Beginning to say: Dow (down), Ah (on), Dadada uh-tee (Daddy), Ba-ba-ba-ool (bottle).
Words she can sign: Milk & Please.
Nicknames: Scoopies, Ellie Bells, Lu Bears, Lu Bells, Eatle Beatles, Baby Beluga.
Special talents: Waving, saying "Hi"to everyone, clapping, shaking your head "No" & lots of constant baby babble.
Special talents: Waving, saying "Hi"to everyone, clapping, shaking your head "No" & lots of constant baby babble.
Sleep schedule: Nap...10am-12pm. Nap...2pm-5pm All night from 9pm-8:30am.
Poop schedule: Usually twice a day. :)
Roth Mullet Watch: No sign of mullet. Possible bob.
Teeth: Two bottoms, two widely spaced top ones (sorry sweetie I just think it is SO darn cute & funny!), possibly one more coming on top.
Mommy Loves: Your dimple, your sleepy face in the mornings, when you chatter baby babble, when you ride on my hip all day & when you say "Hi!" in my same high-pitched infliction each time you see me.
Mommy Likes: You! A lot. :)
How could you already be ONE?
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