We were at my parents for a nice dinner on their patio. After trying to get Audrey to slow down outside, who was on the tail end of a cold (sidenote: Praise the Lord she recovered needing no trip to the hospital!!), and not wanting to flail up her asthma any more, we resumed our play inside. There were some moments of not sharing with her sister, some pushing and some frustrated moments choosing not to listen...which having no nap earlier in the day greatly contributed to. I felt like I was doing little encouraging but constant correction. Audrey felt the same way. And finally...

"Mommy, would you go sit over by Daddy, I don't like having you here anymore."
Me: Audrey. That is not very polite of you to say. (looking back it actually was!)
"Mommy. Would you PLEASE go over & sit by Daddy. I do NOT like having you here anymore."
Me: (desperately trying to hold back my roar of laughter..) Audrey. I do not like it when you tell me what to do. You are not being very kind right not.
"Mommy. (pause) Would you. (pause) Pleeease. (pause) Go over and sit by Daddy now. I really. (pause) Do not like having you here anymore."
My Mom was there with me and she had to look away because she was going to burst into laughter. Which we totally did once Audrey was on to something else. :) SO FUNNY THAT GIRL!!! Oh my goodness. By me using the words "that isn't very polite of you" at first and her correcting herself and instead adding PLEASE right off the bat. Hilarious. :) And honestly, she never once raised her voice or used a bratty tone. Just simply did not want me there anymore and knew just how to resolve that situation. By asking me to leave. :)
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