Since we're talking December... a very special little lady had a birthday.
Not just any birthday, her Third birthday.
First, a beautiful lavendar Tu-Tu handmade by her Aunt Lillian was joyfully worn all night.
We have small space and don't necessarily like the idea of a lot of people and a lot of gifts, so we kept it very small this year. Although, you wouldn't have known it by the fullness of our home! It was a fun evening with all the people closest to Audrey that took time away from what they were doing to show value on Audrey's little growing life.
We had enchiladas, special presents and a checkerboard chocolate/vanilla cake.
While everyone chatted I noticed little Missy was missing..

Where is the birthday girl anyway? Oh... there you are!
Sneaking a peak at your birthday cake! :)
She loved it. :)

Grandma Julie showing Audrey her next gift! A beautiful big girl bedspread!
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