As this is the first week Aaron has gone back to work since being on Family Leave, we girls have decided to be busy little bees. To the Park, to the Dr. for Ellie's check-up, to Library "Story Time" one morning & to the Library for "Busy Hands & Feet" Music Time the next morning...going going going. It has been a lot of fun, and a lot less work than I imagined it would be. So far anyway....most likely due to the fact that I just strap Baby Ellie in my front pack and she sleeps the entire time we're anywhere...but still, even getting them both in & out of the car has been a fairly easy new adjustment.
However, our little sickie, Audrey Lynn (Who, Praise God, hasn't been sick in months!!!) can only handle so many new germs before her body decides to be sick again. Therefore, one of those visits outside of the home has given Audrey a little bug. No fever, which is great, but she has been a snotbucket for the past day and 1/2, but has been a very cheerful girl for the most part! (Again Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!) So yesterday when we were in need of some things from the grocery store, I fed Babycakes Ellie, stuffed my pockets full of kleenex and off we went.

It was a very successful trip, until we arrived at the check stand. My little trick when going grocery shopping with Audrey is to first stop somewhere and get her a small fry, we eat one or two on the way, but save the majority for when we are in the store.
When the fries are out, Mommy needs to be out of the store.
We arrived at the check stand and the fries were out.
Happiness quickly turned into frantic "Up on Mommy! Up on Mommy! Up on Mommy!" meaning the Big One was tired of patiently sitting in the shopping cart.
The Little One was beginning to wake up and was indicating she was hungry (as were my lactating "girls") with small little cries...increasing the more awake she became.
I felt like I had a fever all of a sudden, my pulse was racing, I started to feel anxious and hot.... I'm unloading groceries onto the belt, stealing grapes out of the bag at the demand of my toddler, I'm patting the tush of my tummy tag-a-long, Ellie in the front pack, swiping my debit card, wiping miss snotty nose with loads of kleenex falling out of each pocket, both dirty and clean (which were completely mixed up by that time) all while trying to make a pleasant small-talk conversation with the nice checker man about who knows what...
Then out of this chaotic fog he says:
"Wow, you're pretty much Super Mom!"
Thank you check stand man--I needed that.