Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tiny Baby

We don't quite know where she picked up the term, since we usually use "little" or "small" as terms to describe something of a certain size...But somehow, with out being prompted, Audrey took one look at her new little baby sister in the hospital and made a very accurate description calling her
"Tiny Baby"
You hope your older child would have an easy adjustment to this new little being taking up a good part of the attention they've been getting...but you never truly know until the baby arrives...
She loves to help change diapers by handing us wipes.
She loves to try to tuck her in....while being closely supervised. (The phrase: "Not her face, just her body" is something Audrey now repeats when tucking in her animals since she hears it so much...)
Without fail, first thing in the morning or after a nap, she asks "Where Ellie Lu go?" wanting to see her baby sister.
She loves to lean in real close and look at her face-to-face.
She loves to "hold" her...
(Mommy holds her, just places her onto Audrey's lap)
She loves to help Mommy pat her back gently after a feeding.
She loves to collect baby socks from around the house to put them on her "tiny toesies"
She loves to soothe the crying baby by similar terms Mommy uses: "Baby, why you so sad? It's okay Ellie Lu. I pick you up. Come-mere..."
She loves her "Tiny Baby", and we love that she loves her.

1 comment:

  1. very sweet in a tiny gigantic way! You are a precious mother, Ginny. Love, Janie
