Audrey is such a silly girl. We've discovered she, so far, really doesn't need anything expensive to keep her happy. It's actually quite the blessing, as we are well-aware how much the toy industry is making off of many parents. From time to time Audrey will play with certain toys she owns, but for the most part it doesn't last long and she requests going right back to one of her favorite things... Although Audrey's birthday is 3 whole months away, I thought I would get a head start on mentioning a few items she would really appreciate as a gift...

And oh does this girl loves ice! Let her roam in a bucket of ice at a friend's birthday party or give her a cup with a few ice cubes and you've got at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to get stuff done around the house.
Each additional ice cube gives you 10 more minutes...
Any counter top will do. Just make sure your standing with her, please.
Creek water...

Hose water...
Any box, really. Big or small, any size will do.
Audrey loves boxes to sit in, to sit on, and on many occasions to put on her head as a hat.
Any type of shoes will do. Not even new shoes. Actually, especially not new shoes. Just any shoes she finds laying around the house. Elmo slippers...Mommy's high heeled shoes...Too big hand-me-down shoes...Too small out grown baby shoes...Daddy's big work boots...
Trying to balance, let alone walk across the room, in Daddy's work boots is quite the skill when they come up past your knees.

People, especially her Daddy.
There is a frequent request for "Moe mu-sick?" in our home. Usually refering to turning on the radio, we've also discovered that she enjoys dancing to any type of music being played.
On this particular occasion she was dancing to our friend Nan's jimbay drum while Daddy accompanied on guitar. She has got quite the moves.

Anything she can pretend she's riding. The side of the tub, a big pillow, and most definitely brooms. Oh how this girl loves to sweep. We could be onto something here...encouraging her to clean the house for Mommy, perhaps?? So this is my reccomendation for a gift for Audrey...
Cleaning tools, please.
Since Aaron has been gone a lot recently, on swat operations overnight, Audrey has really missed seeing him. Each morning that he has been home lately she runs to him and says with the sweetest little voice:
"Daddy's home!! Up on Daddy?!"
Then she lays her little head down on his shoulder and hugs him for 5 or so minutes.
It is a very precious sight.
She is also a very big fan of other people in her life: Her "Grammas & Grumpas", her uncles & aunts (who she knows by name & often talks about...this mornings example: "Where Uncle Mike go? Uncle Mike is silly!") Her little cousin "Choey" = Chloe, and all the dogs in her life, Lucy-Puppy, Poco, Skidder, Shane, and "Diver".
She also likes seeing and asking about all of her neighbors and thanking the garbage man for taking our "stinky garbage" each week.
Audrey is definitely a people person. It's probably no wonder she speaks so well & has such a large vocabulary, besides the fact that her mother is constantly narrating the world around her, she would much rather be around people than to sit and play with toys.
So in case you still can't think of a good gift to get Audrey, let's recap:
Shoes, Water, walking anywhere, and giving her time & attention.
She is a pretty simple girl, if only she could keep her "want" of things to a minimum in those teen years... I wonder if handing her a cup of ice would work then too?
And no, not to throw it at her Mom...
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