Aaron's parents live on 7 acres. What a great place for a kid (and grandkid!) to grow up on! Audrey's favorite things are
1. Animals
2. Being outside
3. Walking around
So, of course, she loves when we go visit Grandma & Grandpa "out on the farm!" There is so much to see and explore and so much room to walk around and visit all the animals. We always have fun saying hello to Grandma's horses & the cow, we like sitting on the stone donkey & cart, swinging on the porch swing, wandering through the beautiful rose garden, and of course pretending we're riding on Grandpa's tractor. She would stay out there all day just walking, walking, walking if we let her. I decided to bring my camera out with us on our latest visit to the farm to capture all of Audrey's favorite spots.

Mommy with her girls ;)
Audrey's boots are so cute. Will she let me borrow them.