My Dearest Audrey,
You have grown so much, you have learned so much, you have so much personality and have brought SO much joy into my life. How could it be that just a few short months ago you were a tiny newborn who I adored looking at? I could have studied your face for hours.
Your face is still my favorite sight. I adore looking at you even more now that I know you so well, my precious. I used to whisper to you all the time, "Do you know how much I love you?" I think you know now, but in case you have even the slightest doubt once your little sister arrives I want you to know that the spot in my heart for you will never be replaced, filled, or forgotten. I have a hard time understanding what it will mean for my heart to expand even more with another child. I know it will happen since I already love Ellie so much. We will all have to make room in our hearts for little sister. She already has such a huge advantage having you as her big sister. What a gift to her! You loving her could never be a better gift. I am so excited for us all to meet her, but I'm more excited for Ellie to meet you and to get to know you as well as I know you. You could not have been a more precious love to me in the past 21 months. We'll get through the next few months together, welcoming home baby sister. This could be one of our very last days together, just the two of us, so I wanted to thank you, sweet Audrey, for making me love being a Mommy so much more...
I'll Love you Forever,
This made me cry. I love you. Mom