Well...I was for some reason feeling very brave in the middle of a long week of feeling miserably pregnant sick, and decided to take the girls for some berry
pickin'. It was a very hot day. It got up to 93 while we were out in the middle of the day. HOT. I knew the general area of the berry farm, but an hour of driving around later I decided to stop by the actual farmer's wife's house (they are the sweetest family with NINE children that go to our church), to ask her for directions. Turns out my driving aimlessly was a giant loop around where we should have been. Girls did wonderfully, we sang songs and talked about things we saw, but my goodness was it a bit frustrating. One hour of driving! We finally arrived to the farm and I immediately realized once I got the antsy girls out of the car that I was the only one that hadn't brought any sort of bucket, bowl, box...etc. I think I thought it would be provided for. Oops. Luckily, a friend from church was also there with her children and had an extra red bin she let me have. Thank Goodness! Because we were all sick of being in the car! We picked our little hearts out for about 3 entire minutes, then the girls got bored and Ellie fell too many times scratching her knees up crying for me to hold her.... We had a snack and water break every 6 minutes or so... We (they) ate a ton of berries... But really, we did have fun. And the girls looked beautiful in the sunlight. Even if we were all melting by the end of our hour & half of being out there.
And I learned a few new things...
1. Always provide your own bucket
2. If you pick during "gleaning", which means after they have harvested the best crop, everything you pick is free!!!!!!
The hot weather, the million breaks the girls needed, and even the long drive beforehand was instantly worth it once I was given this information. Free!!
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