I haven't exactly narrowed it down to why I have had constant daily headaches lately...
It could be because of my extra pregnant hormones.
It could be that my husband has been away from us most weeks.
It could be that my diet has lately consisted of
"whatever I can make as quick as possible"
since we're usually coming in from being outside out of starvation.
It could be the constant fighting over toys, food, clothes, who has more bath toys, where they are sitting..etc. etc. etc.
(see previous post)
It could be that I am so anxious to feel this baby move inside of me. By far my favorite most tangible sign that there is life inside of me, and for no other reason other than I am only 14 weeks, I have not felt a movement. Or at least known I have felt it. Gas bubbles are hard to decifer....
It could be that I feel like my life is going too fast,
yet this season seems to drag on with each lonely day.

It could be the messes. Oh the messes.
It could be that I get anxious when I think about balancing 3 children.
It could be that we installed our window A/C, which results in a very loud constant hum through out the house (of Cool air though, thankyouverymuch!)
It could be that I'm tired and irritable (see all of the above reasons)
Maybe, just maybe...
It's quite possible that this solemn* band plays through out my home, day in and day out:
But....Out of necessity, I'm still going to blame it all on the pregnancy hormones, because then at least I have a specific date in sight where there is an end. Hoping the headaches subside before January!...but that's only a few months to go... Right???
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