Dear Audrey Lynn,
Every now and then we go on dates together. You love these. I especially love these.
Today we had one of our dates.
I had signed us up for a 3-6yr old Tie Dye class.
I'll have you know, I do not like the messiness of tie dye, nor do I love the look, I never have. But for the sake of a fun outing together I decided to put my own agenda aside & give it a try.
We loaded up into the car and were off. One reason why I love being with just you is that you have my undivided attention. We talked about the mountains we saw with snow in the distance, we talked about what we were doing, where we were going, animals you love, we talked about horses, we talked about Ellie. How big you are getting, about being kind to others and how proud of you I am...
Once we arrived to the school, we were both a little overwhelmed by all the Saturday activities going on in the school and about where to go. You hugged me closely, clenching me with your little legs, resting your head on my shoulders while I reasurred you this would be a lot of fun, reminding you of my answer earlier in the morning when you asked if I would be with you the whole time.
Yes, baby girl. I wouldn't leave your side.
We talked about the things on the walls that we saw as we walked through the long cold hallways and finally reached our destination. The preschool room.
You'd never been in a classroom before. You, nervously, introduced yourself to whoever would listen. I was so proud. I was nervous too. I let you lead us.
We signed in, gathered our things and began our craft, as instructed.
Once the "Tie-dyeing" was threw, it was a free for all with about 12 other children, 6 and under, running around playing. You played in the puppet section with two other older girls. I watched as one of them demanded you give your puppet to her. Another one bumped you. You looked for me with soft eyes... I came close and stayed with you, just like I told you I would.
You came away from that area and grabbed two very small toy people and asked if we could "talk" to eachother, like we do at home.
So we did.
Then the room got louder and more chaotic. You came straight for me and hugged me. Curling up into my arms like you do when I know you are sad or overwhelmed.
You asked if we could please go home now, because you really missed Ellie. I reasurred you this is a special day, so we'd be doing things a little dfferently then being at home with your sister. Whom you love.
I wanted to leave too. But we pushed on.
Then it was circle time. This was new to you, so I explained and you listened. You were asked questions from the teacher and you answered them perfectly in your words.
I was a few inches behind you, eventually you found youself in my lap and I loved this.
After more playtime we left. We had a race for the outside doors. As we both ran, I looked over and you had such a joyous smile on your face. I knew being with your Mommy, your comfort, was what made you happiest. I was happy too. We found some swings, then some dandelion flowers. You picked one especially for me.
We drove to a nearby restaurant, were seated and ordered yummy lunch. Have I mentioned I loved being with just you? We talked about the colors and the artwork we saw on the walls. We talked about what our favorite parts about today were.
We talked about lemonade, ice cubes, fire engines.
You were delighted they cut off the crusts on your Peanut Butter & Jelly.
We ate. We paid. We left.
Hand-in-hand we walked the streets of that cute little downtown until we got to our car.
As I was putting you into your carseat you said:
"I Love having special days with you, Mommy"
I do too, baby girl.
You got almost all the way home but dozed off as we turned onto our street.
You fell asleep as soon as we got home and I placed you into your bed.

Mid-way through this post you woke up from your nap. You smiled a big smile at me as you came out from your nap. We hugged, we cuddled, we talked about how much fun we had today. Then we shared an Oreo snack.
Two for you. Two for me.
When Sister woke up we 3 girls went out to paint our nails on the porch.
Your choice, Hot Pink.
I love you so much sweet Audrey.
In your words before bedtime often go: "We had fun today, didn't we?"
Yes. Yes we did.
Love, Your Momma.
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