I can't get over all the many faces of Ellie. She is such a little doll. And getting prettier with each day, which I keep thinking is impossible. But, her greenish eyes, pink cheeks, wispy hair, dark eyelashes, and pink lips are to die for, coming from this Momma. I could kiss her all day if she'd let me!! But she wouldn't, she's got things to see and people to meet!
She has many smirks that I especially love. A few looks that make me instantly foresee the future of a little stubborn, yet wise, teenager. She has a joyous smile that is as if she's saying, I like being in this family! She's got the looks that make me believe she's totally over this baby stuff, and just wants to grow a little bit so she can do EVERYTHING big sister does...not just most things.
I have been trying to purposely capture a few of Ellie's looks lately. What a little busy bee! It's hard to capture anything "in the moment" because each moment for her is so fleeting, as she runs off to do something else. It cracks me up how "business-like" she seems at times. GREAT sleeper, but when she is up--she's up!!! Going from laying down to instantly jumping up from crib awake, and as soon as I get her, the moment her little feet touch the ground she goes a-running! I envision her saying: "well, today's a new day, time to get to work!" :) And she goes and goes and goes and goes and then BAM, she's tired again and instantly will burst into tears until she is placed back into her crib and with as suddenly as she cries from exhaustion, her thumb is in her mouth and she's fast asleep. Phew. Tiring at times, yes. But So, so, so, so fun to see her little self coming through as she grows :)
One week ago I asked her to say the word "water", as she always refers to any cup of liquid as "Jewsh" (juice..), and she did it. May have sounded more like "Wat-ah" But, none-the-less she tried it!! And then later that night it was her turn to sit on my hip and accompany me out to check dinner on our BBQ and again after telling her what we were doing I asked her if she can say "Barbecue?" And she said "Buh-que" !!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! :)
I was SO proud of her, and what has followed is me and Audrey finding silly words or objects around the house to ask her if she can say them....and for the most part, when we all aren't giggling, she is trying to say each one!!! I love it. So wonderful to see her excited to learn something new, and yes, very wonderful to see that she and I might be able to communicate things easier soon!
Her favorite words are
(among others I know Im forgetting and won't mention here):
Loo-shee (Lucy, our doggie)
Bankey (blankie)
Nanna (Banana)
Brock-key (Broccoli)
Peas (please)
Ah-que (thankyou)
Favorite little phrases lately:
Where Au-dee go? Auuuu-deeee!!!
Where bankey go?
Where Loo-shee go? Loooooo-sheeee!!!
Mine! (yikes...learned that from BIG sister...)
I want it.
I do!
I wan go.
Baby doll
Ellie Lu tidbits.....
She loves everything Audrey.
She is about the only one in this house who enjoys cleaning up! She thinks its fun to put all the books back where they belong when asked, and helping to switch the laundry and unload the plastics from the dishwasher, and sweep....keep it up little girl, I hope you always find helping Mommy, fun!!! :)
Ellie insists on kissing anything, anytime you say phrases like "Ouch!" or the like. She will walk over and grab your hand to pull it to her lips for a kiss. I ADORE THIS.
Ellie gives the best hugs!!! She has been such a Daddy's girl for awhile now, always loving to greet him in the morning, or at the door as he's coming or going, and the occasional burst into tears as he leaves for work... She loves hugging and kissing her Daddy. He doesn't have to ask for the kisses....unlike me :) I love watching her watch him. She truly lights up.
She & Audrey sleep in the same room at night, but they cannot settle down during naptime, she they sleep separately during their naps. On most days there is usually 30-60minutes of time I just have with Ellie, as Audrey goes to bed a bit earlier, and before Ellie lays down for her nap. The time is usually spent following her into her world, as we discover books she likes, blocks she enjoys building, unloading the plastics from dishwasher, pushing kitchen chairs around the room, taking the garbage out and doing some porch sitting when the sun is out...all sorts of fun little simple things. If, during this time she finds a favorite stuffed animal, or babydoll, or blanket of Audrey's...she will immediately say "Where Au-dee go? Auu-deee!!!" And go storming towards her bedroom. I quickly remind her NOT to go in there and that we have to be quiet. Today she barged right into the room, handed her the baby doll and leaned in to kiss her sister, before barging on out of the room. PRECIOUS.
Speaking of being quiet...another favorite "activity" of Ellie's lately has been to put her baby doll to sleep. It is beyond adorable how she does it. It's always the same baby, with the same blanket (just like her!). She places the baby onto Audrey's bed, covers just her body with the blanket, kisses her softly and slowly, pats her tummy a little, then leaves the room. I've been there to watch her do it, but when I happen to be out of the room and she goes to do this by herself, she always comes back out of the room covering her mouth with one finger saying "Shhh... Baby's seeping...Shhh..." Then, she runs back in there, wanting me to follow, and she shows me where baby is "seeping", kissing the baby again.
I could go on and on and on about Ellie Lu!! She eats like a little piglet, which cracks us all up, since her sister is 3 years old and has been 28lbs for two entire months... Ellie is most likely nearing that poundage, although we won't know for sure until her 18month appt in a month. 18 months!! It is hard for me to believe she is already almost 18 months!!

It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to this tiny little thing that mesmerized me from the start as she cried her eyes out for a mere few seconds then INSTANTLY stopped and looked up as she heard none other than her Daddy's voice. :) What a beautiful little doll face she has turned into since that wonderful first day so many months ago...

Awesome post, Gin. It made me miss you guys even more. Lookin' good, Ellie Lu!
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