My bravest Mommy-moment thus far? Taking both girls to the beach for their first time.....unplanned until an hour before......and by myself.
I left with lowww expectations that things could go haywire at any moment, and you know what? The day went smoother than any typical day around the here would have been. We had a blast!!!! The weather was decent, Aaron was away for training, and I felt an urge to get out and have some fun with my girls! Sure there were moments through out the day where I thought "oh boy...what was I THINKING?!", but they were few and far between...
First what was I thinking moment: Audrey began getting car sick on the way over. Nothing came of it, just a few gagging moments before I opened all windows to blast fresh air at her face.
Second what was I thinking moment: I asked a nice older man take a picture of the 3 of us once we arrived, upon giving him the camera, it was set to "video mode" unbeknownst to me. Oops...Luckily he was patient to wait for another 3 seconds while I changed it. Still embarrassing, as girls were getting antsy.
Third what was I thinking moment: The restaurant I had planned for had a huge line wrapping around the building...so deciding that wouldn't be a great idea to wait, we chose another place. It was fun and yummy, complete with ice cream sundaes, BUT they did not accept the only form of payment I had. Yes, slightly panicked, I managed to use a few bucks change we had in my purse/car and a few dollars I still had on a debit card. THANK YOU LORD.
All in all we had a wonderful time together. Both girls fell fast asleep once they were placed in their respective car seats and I drove us home all smiles. It seems silly to have felt brave about the day but as I rethink the events that took place, it seems an appropriate feeling. Packing the girls up and packing the appropriate snacks, toys, towels, clothes that we'd need for all the "just in case" moments in addition to the hour drive, getting stroller set up with our bag, last-minute diaper changes in the back of the car, walking about a block to beach, realizing the stroller was IMPOSSIBLE to push on sand, going back to car with all our stuff, unpacking and repacking only the few essentials, all while happily singing to keep girls happy! :) Phew. It was a tiring challenge, but one that turned out to be a blast. They loved it and had so much fun. It was the first time for both. The weather was warmer than it usually is, windy as always, and grey skies.

And what a view we had that day!
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