Tuesday, May 3, 2011


There is always laundry to be done. I can never keep up, and the reality of my life is that I can never keep up on putting away the laundry. So, if I have been chipping away at it all week and our living room looks like my washing machine threw up all over the place with piles and empty & full baskets and the start of some sorting...and then we get a call that a friend is coming over for dinner. What's a girl to do? Throw it into your bedroom in the far corner as fast as you can and cover it up with a blanket. Of course!

Unfortunately, when I do that I then get used to creating outfits for the week out of the clothes still left in the dryer since the mountain of laundry becomes far too much to handle for a (sometimes too long) period of time.

However...where there is a problem there is also a solution and I have to say that this mountain has created some good entertainment for the girls for the past few days. Simple joys :)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you can poke fun at yourself!! And I really love the little mountain lions!! Here's an idea: take the whole mountain to Goodwill!!!
    Love, mom
