Wellllllll folks... The ultra-relaxing retreat away that I so joyfully posted about came to an abrupt halt exactly 2 hours following that post. It proved to be the Calm before the Storm.
...I should have known better than to get used to anything...
But don't feel sorry for me. No sir'ee. I've got two little lovely ladies that keep me wellllll-occupied, and some great neighbor friends who we have shared dinners with. My husband is who the sorrow...no I take that back...PRAYERS should go to.
Let's recap his week:
Day 1. Two hrs post-post (ha), we are informed of a swat op, and decide to pack up literally right then. We got home at midnight.
Day 2. Hubby leaves in morning for 6hr drive, is up all night working, drives back home.
Day 3. Gets up following morning 4am to go crabbing (okay don't feel too sorry for him yet? I understand. Especially since they caught 15 dungeness and 28 red rock crab!! Holy Crableg!)
Day 4. Home for a mere 24 hrs. Gets called out for swat op at midnight.
Day 5. Manhunt begins..."Hunts" 15 hrs through the night, on 2 hrs of sleep.
Day 6. Sleeps in hotel for 4 hours. Works another 15 hours straight through the night.
Day 7. Sleeps in hotel on 6 hour break. Is currently working through the night on an expected 12hr shift...
(Day 8. Home??? Or repeat day 7...)
I'm guessing that right about now the average human being who has been working physically & mentally for that long on that little sleep/food/energy goes dilerious. Just plain dilerious.
These guys need to be covered in prayer!!!
This is when they especially need their guards up the most.
On a lighter note, Audrey has taking a liking to our digital camera lately. And no, it doesn't work as well as it used to....but I'm going to discount the careful toddler using it, and acredit to the fact that it's about 7yrs old and anyone who uses it can attest the need to upgrade, as the frequent comments are:
"oh this is one of those old ones huh? Man the screen is really small!"
We hope to get a new camera soon...and it looks like we may need to be careful with our prayers, as sometimes they come in the form of many a sleepless nights away from home working on your off days in order to get a crableg load of overtime pay.....
In the meantime, I present to you, Audrey the photographer:

Thats my fish tank. We've had a lot of fish in there. We only have two in there now.