I am so behind on blogging.
Where to begin? What we've been doing this entire Summer? Well it's not quite summer anymore, so that seems silly. Our big fantastic trip away, childless, for 10 days across the country? Too much to write about, I have no idea where to start on that. My thoughts on our upcoming vacation away with best friends & their children to one of our favorite Oregon spots (if not our actual favorite), for a long weekend getaway??? Our soon to be 2nd vacation of the month!! Before I know it Ill have adorable pictures from that & will have plenty to share :)
Where to begin? What we've been doing this entire Summer? Well it's not quite summer anymore, so that seems silly. Our big fantastic trip away, childless, for 10 days across the country? Too much to write about, I have no idea where to start on that. My thoughts on our upcoming vacation away with best friends & their children to one of our favorite Oregon spots (if not our actual favorite), for a long weekend getaway??? Our soon to be 2nd vacation of the month!! Before I know it Ill have adorable pictures from that & will have plenty to share :)
How about writing about Ellie having taken 5 steps earlier today and 11 steps tonight for the first time!?!?? Yay!!!!!!! So exciting. Well no pictures on that one, so that post would be just exactly the length of my previous few sentences. Sooo.... I guess I just accomplished that one?
Hmm...so Im feeling overwhelmed by how behind I am. Not for the sake of my 6 faithful viewers (thank you Mom, Dad, Brother, MIL, FIL, Husband.... ). But for the sake of trying to break old habits. I always start journals. I have had approximately 12 journals in my life, all of which are heavily filled with words and emotions on every first through eighth page of each book. I wish I were better about keeping a journal up. I really do. The small timeframe I have been "blogging" as a means of journally, I have loved it. I have loved it so much I have re-read over posts I've written time & time again. Not because of my writing, necessarily, but because I love re-calling memories as recent as they are. It reminds me I've "gotten through" things...as silly as poopy diapers posts may be. It reminds me, even while I am in the middle of this stage of my life, that it is moving so fast and to really, truly pay attention to the details no matter how small. It reminds me how quickly our precious little girls are growing up. When I look back, even a few months, I am reminded how far Audrey has come in language, understanding and even art skills! I am able to laugh at the differences in Audrey & Ellie, where I once was a bit cautious of.
Hmm...so Im feeling overwhelmed by how behind I am. Not for the sake of my 6 faithful viewers (thank you Mom, Dad, Brother, MIL, FIL, Husband.... ). But for the sake of trying to break old habits. I always start journals. I have had approximately 12 journals in my life, all of which are heavily filled with words and emotions on every first through eighth page of each book. I wish I were better about keeping a journal up. I really do. The small timeframe I have been "blogging" as a means of journally, I have loved it. I have loved it so much I have re-read over posts I've written time & time again. Not because of my writing, necessarily, but because I love re-calling memories as recent as they are. It reminds me I've "gotten through" things...as silly as poopy diapers posts may be. It reminds me, even while I am in the middle of this stage of my life, that it is moving so fast and to really, truly pay attention to the details no matter how small. It reminds me how quickly our precious little girls are growing up. When I look back, even a few months, I am reminded how far Audrey has come in language, understanding and even art skills! I am able to laugh at the differences in Audrey & Ellie, where I once was a bit cautious of.
I am able to look back & think things like "I probably shouldn't have (fill in the blank)" And look back & truly believe, "I am doing things right by doing or teaching (fill in the blank)". I enjoy seeing the reflection of God's handiwork in my everyday care and guidance for the girls. And looking back on previous posts remind me how far we've all come, how much we've each learned, and how much I really do enjoy posting our little live's happenings. So for none other than my own sake I will continue this blog and try to keep up with it a little better. But I am taking all pressure off myself for this ongoing guilt I always have with a battle for time. In other words, all these "I should have"s are DONE. I will blog when I can. I will write when I have time. I will now allow myself to post short little writings, rather than feel like I need pictures, a long explanation, and time to do it all. It will be for fun, for my little Mommy-heart to release, express and document life through my eyes.
Life really is going too fast right now!!!
Life really is going too fast right now!!!
I can't afford to just skip through it with out jotting a few things down along the way!