While we were watching the adorable Pixar movie 'Toy Story' the other day, my sweet little verbal lady was listening to the main character "Woody" talk to the other toys. Audrey has seen this movie before, but for some reason she pinpointed a word in a sentence Woody used, and realized she didn't understand what it meant..... (I didn't see this one coming....)
"Mommy, do you know what 'corrosion' means?"
"Well sweetheart--"
This was about the time where my heart started pounding, my brow began to sweat and my mind raced into all the other words, ideas and philosophies that she will soon be asking where I won't know the answer. I can foresee the phrase "Hmm...Lets remember to ask Daddy when he gets home" becoming all too frequent in our future. She's two and a half!! I thought I had years of Mommy-knows-best wisdom ahead of me, looks like we may be down to, what? months?!
Friends, we are getting dangerously close to the day when she ultimately decides for herself that her Mommy doesn't know squat! Until then, I will continue faking it and using my ultra-confident "Mommy" voice to answer questions like these...
"--Woody is talking about the toys breaking. 'Corrosion' means when things break down."
Phew. It wasn't Wikipedia's definition for Corrosion.....
buuuuuut I felt pretty good about how quickly and calmly I came up with my answer.
.......Safe for another day ;)