I just finished a texting conversation with my Momma about my morning, thus far. She told me I should relay it to all you who love a good poop story. If poop ain't your thang, quit reading now & blame my Mom for even suggesting I talk about the "P" word..... But here is the reality of my stage of life right now....
Intro: Ellie has been waking up earlier lately, my routine lately is I scoop her up quickly & close the door, as to not wake up Audrey-pie, feed her in the living room, change her, then put her back to sleep either in a makeshift bed in the living room or at the foot of our bedroom floor (depending on where it's warmer). Then if it's super early I go back to sleep until Audrey wakes me up or until Ellie is hungry again..whichever comes first... Today was early, 5:45am...so I crawled back into bed.
Around 7:45am I woke up to Audrey in her room "Can you hold it? Can you hold it Mommy? Mommy, can you hold it?" this was on repeat as I was dozing in & out of sleep. Finally the two dreaded words that followed, the words: "I pooped" made me literally shoot out of bed & run to her room. Yup...you guessed it. She had reached into her own diaper and pulled out a big handful of mushy poops. Since she was waiting by the door for me to "hold it" (SICK) when I flung the door open it mashed into the door. SICK. I wiped what I could. Because she had shifted her diaper some had fallen down & dried on her leg. SICK. We took a poopy, soapy, soak down scrub...Then we took a nice long warm clean bath while I tried to keep my composure from the shock of waking up to all of that... Aaron was getting ready to leave for training and when I peeked into the living room he was lighting candles to limit the smells. Haha.. He said he hopes this doesn't happen while I'm gone on our church retreat in a few weeks!
I desperately wanted to escape & asked if I could PLEASE join Aaron for his s.w.a.t training day today............... But alas, my work is here in the home. As I kissed him goodbye I spotted our mail that came yesterday. I grabbed the Fred Meyer Valentine's Day diamonds ads. I turned Sesame Street on and sat down beside her not paying any attention to the letter of the day. (Was it "P" for poop like it was in this home????) I mentally escaped from the madness for a good 10 minutes & dreamed about beautiful diamonds while chugging a very large cup of coffee with probably too much creamer!!!!! It was enough of an escape to finish the job.
Since Audrey was happily clean & enjoying Sesame Street I was able to sanitize the door, the tub, and collect all sheets/blankies/animals for the laundry which is currently going on repeat cycle... I took all the stinky poop trash outside & even found our dog Lucy had pooped near the fireplace.............. Wanted to scream, but decided to pour even more coffee. With my daily prayer for PATIENCE--COFFEE & DIAMONDS SHOULD ALSO FIX THIS!!!! :)
I am SO glad I am able to be home to raise our children and this morning was another reminder of how stressful that would have been to have happen & then have to rush off to work somewhere. We Stay-at-Home Mommas need some recovery time for experiences like this! But wow. I hate to say it but this was not the first time this has happened...... Just messier this time as she's never pulled it out, just tried to take her diaper off.
Think she's ready to be out of diapers? YES!
Am I ready to wake up to that again because she is in panties & has even more access...?? NO!!!
Current Status: Pretty sure Ellie just pooped here next to me in the Bumbo seat which we have aptly named the "poop chair". I cannot get away from this poop!! How much have you enjoyed reading the word "poop"?? Come on, say it with me! Poop, poop, poop! Oh and Lucy is happily being fed dog food by the generous hand of Audrey... Time to get away from this computer and get back to the reality of Motherhood!!! Please Lord continue to give me patience for the unexpected & keep me laughing. Oh Lord, keep me laughing.... :)

Aye yi yi. What a crappy morning---LITERALLY!
And our happy day starts................ NOW :)