There is no real reason why she is shirtless & wearing her Elmo slippers. Just one of those nights I guess.

She now can open up the spice/cracker/snack/swifter/pancake mix & syrup/cereal cupboard.
She usually opens it up and says "OoOoOooooh! Lots of things!" Then lists a few that she knows she's not supposed to touch.
There's the syrup, Mommy!
There's the pincakes, Mommy!
There's the sweeper, Mommy! etc..etc..
The quietly looking & recounting what she sees has now all changed. She has been taking the cereal boxes out, removing them from their nice cardboard boxes, and if she can before Mommy catches her, she shoves her little fists down in there and scoops out many a handfuls to our eager dog Lucy, who is growing by the minute.
I have yet to clean up tonight's spilled Raisin Bran.
On this particular day, Daddy had brought home two new cereals for us which Audrey thought was just downright silly to be sitting unopened...
PS The "water" she is refering to is the unopened bottle of vinegar. Oh she only wishes everything were a bottle of water to play with.