Friday, August 7, 2009

Fun on a budget!!

A few days ago, we discovered Audrey had "misplaced" the keys to our safe. I'm certain they are somewhere in our house, but so far Audrey is staying pretty quiet about this whole hide-the-key game...
Unfortunately, the safe included Aaron's checks, among other important documents. So instead of cashing out the check for groceries, gas, etc that Aaron writes out at the beginning of the month for me, Audrey & I are having to carefully rely on our last month's last few dollars until the new ordered checks arrive..........and/or Audrey finally decides to give up the key.
I have been a very busy "nesting" Momma lately, getting Baby Ellie's clothes sorted, organized, and put away. It has been a huge project consuming me, not to mention our living room. I decided this afternoon Audrey & I would get away from it all & spend some quality time together. Since we were on our last $27.00 and the gas light as on, I decided to first get $10 worth of gas then head out with my cheap date.
First stop: Local consignment shop.
I have found a few items of Audrey's clothes that either will be a completely wrong season for Baby Ellie or a few items that look like they've seen better days. Audrey came with me to deliver them to this really nice consignment shop in town... They have a gated area by the kids clothes with a very small play structure, a "lawn-mower" pusher toy, a kids table&chairs, and a slide (all made of that chunky plastic). It is Audrey's paradise. Especially the slide. It's so small she goes up and down the two stairs all by herself..and she loves it! We honestly spent 45 minutes there today. When we got back in the car she said "Good-bye Slide..Good-bye Mower!"
Final Price: FREE
(plus the money I may make in the future for the 8 items we brought in to sell...)
Next stop: $1.00 Store
I love this store. I love to browse every aisle and just look. There are some junky things, but I always feel great about a good deal, so it's fun to look......and buy ;) Today's objective, however, was strictly the toy aisle for Audrey. After reading a few stories in the book aisle, and trying out some of the toys... We ended up with a box of chunky crayons, one of those bottles for baby dolls that the liquid disappears when you turn it over, and a magic sparkly wand.
Final Price: $3.00
Last Stop: Goodwill
Sometimes Goodwill overwhelms me. It always seems so disorganized & sometimes in those narrow aisles it seems crowded with people who don't seem to notice other people.
(Anyone ever use polite phrases like "Excuse Me?" anymore, or use eye-contact with anyone??)
But I was up for a treasure hunt today so to Goodwill we went....
We found a really cute pink elephant that I had intended to buy for Baby Ellie, but Audrey really liked the "Ebba-dent", so for now it's hers.
We ended up with a big blue bear, the super soft pink elephant, and a "doodle-writer"... (you know, the kind you write with the included pen then you swipe the bottom & it disappears..)
Final Price: $7.49
I am really cherishing these Mommy & Audrey times we have just the two of us. It was fun to find inexpensive toys/animals that she liked, she is pretty easy to please! While she ate dinner I quickly sanitized the toys & machine washed the animals so they'd be good enough for my girl.
Her new friends are currently snuggling with her in bed, by her request.
All-in-all we had a really fun day together, on a low budget :)
Audrey with her "Ebba-dent", her "Big Bear" and her sparkly magic wand...

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