My Dear Sweet Audrey-
I am so very proud of you. You are learning so much right now! You are like a little sponge lately, soaking the big world around you in. You already know so many words, and you're constantly trying to mimic our inflictions, and try out new larger words. It makes me so happy to see the joy on your face when you try out a new word & say it just like Mommy does. :)
Some of your favorite words right now are:
* Butterfly
* Hug? (when you sweetly request one from us...)
* Airpane = Airplane
* Windy! (referring to our fan)
* Eyegasses = Sunglasses
* Honk-Honk...when you grab our noses :)
* Toash = Toast
Some of your cutest phrases lately are:
* Moe appleshauce peas = More applesauce please
* Up on Mommy!
* Go Ouside, walk around on tippy toes?
* Moe Bubbles in bath?
* Beep-Beep Micoway = Beep-Beep Microwave
* Goodnight Neighbors! (settling in at night & closing the shade)
* Where Daddy Go?? (This is repeated 15+ times a day once Daddy leaves for work...)
* Woah Mommy, Audy Fying! = "Audrey Flying" while on your tummy in the bath swishing around
* Come Here... (usually said when you need a hug or to be comforted when crying.)
* Mommy Cooking? (pulling up a chair to "help" Mommy cook)
* Audie Stinky!! (said giggleing accompanied by gas...:)
Your Mommy is so proud of you. You not only are learning so much each and every day, but you are a beautiful glimpse of what you are growing into...a lovely little lady with a big heart. I pray that even on frustrating days when your neediness and energy is wearing on this Momma, that I will continue to cherish the darling little girl that brings me so much joy. I look forward to nurturing the little girl God has so sweetly placed under my care as your Mommy.
I love seeing you grow & learn.
I love your sweet kisses and your tender hugs.
I love being your Mommy.
I love you, my precious peanut.
Love, Mommy
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